Sunday, March 25, 2012

Working Gal

One of my biggest fears is not being able to work.  Actually, I think losing my independence is my biggest fear. Working makes me feel independent.  I think I’m seeing a theme here.  I don’t need a man.  I am my own woman.  Rosie the Riveter type stuff...

I can do it!

When I was at the MS support group I was a bit scared after hearing how many people had quit their jobs because the various symptoms made it difficult for them.  I didn’t ask the specifics like what exactly caused them to quit or how they are living with no income.  These are answers I don’t want because I plan to keep on working.  My mother worked with MS.  She loved her job and even if she lived until she was 80, she’d be working.  She always said she’d be an awesome Walmart Greeter.  

Like my mother, I can’t just succomb to the disease and let it take over what I love.  Sure my job drives me crazy some days, but what job doesn’t do that?  I like having a purpose.  I like contributing to society.  I like that steady paycheck too.

To continue having a steady paycheck I am open with my colleagues.  I know my limitations and have swallowed some pride to tell them where I need help.  My memory sucks.  It has been trial and error to figure out ways to remember the tasks set before me.  I’ve had to tell people to list  EXACTLy what they need in a linear fashion.  Things were a bit rocky when I didn’t know what I wanted or needed, but open discussions have made things easier.  We have a system, and are now a great team.  

Human Resources is a very helpful resource.  When I was out due to my relapse they called and checked on me frequently to help me with anything I needed to keep my job.  Then, when I went back to work, they made sure I had everything I needed to acclimate back into the job. 

Distractions have started to cause problems for me.  Loud noises and various people parading around my desk make it difficult to get things done.  I know a lot of people that have similar issues, but with my cognitive issues, I need to be able to focus.  I actually went into work today because no one would be there.  With the lack of noises and distractions, I have gotten so much done and was able to set up my work week.  I plan on doing this again since the next few months are going to be really hectic.  

If I continue to find ways to work where I can focus I can overcome cognitive issues.  If I am sure to not overdo it, I won’t get tired as easily.  Just being aware of my limitations and finding ways to deal with them and overcome them, I feel that I will be a working girl for a very long time. 

I have problems with this...can you guess what?

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