I have MS

People blog about the weirdest crap and people read it.  I thought I'd talk about having Multiple Sclerosis and how I deal.  I've been told I am funny and have a great attitude.  It's possible that my take on the subject could help someone who is also diagnosed with MS.  It could also be a blog about crap..who knows. It'll be an interesting journey none the less. 

I have personally been living with disease since 2009.  I can say that I have been dealing with the effects for much longer since my mother also had MS.  She was diagnosed when I was 13.  I wish she was around now so that I could talk to her about how to handle various aspects of the disease.  Sadly, she passed away from cancer 5 years before I was diagnosed. She did teach me a thing or two about facing adversity.  She never let MS bring her down. She was as active as she could be and was more hilarious than my friends' mothers.  She was absolutely wonderful and still inspires me every day. 

Me and my momma in the 80's.  I know this was taken at Christmas, so maybe that explains our color theme.  Yes, those are perms we are both rocking. 
So here I am trying to get through life as a young, single woman.  Not only do I have to go through life and deal with all the crap most 20 and 30 somethings get to deal with, but I get to cope with an autoimmune disease every step of the way.  Awesome.  There's the career, social activities and dare I say dating? I'll lay it all out here.