Monday, May 4, 2015

Mama Memories – Diet Coke and Hot Fudge Cakes

Since the Corvallis, OR MS Walk is on what would have been my mother’s 67th birthday, I am going to celebrate her this year.

Leading up to the event I am going to do my best to share a memory of her.  I am craving a soda right now, so I am reminded of my mother and her love of Diet Coke.

She was a fan of the diet coke, as well as hot fudge cakes from Frisch’s Big Boy. She would often go through the drive through of the Frisch’s on old Route 4 in Middleton and order a Hot Fudge Cake with a Diet Coke. She knew the two didn’t really make sense served together, but she didn’t care. That’s what she wanted. There were several occasions where I would join her and get a HFC myself, but pass on the Diet Coke.  I would always give her my maraschino cherry since I wasn’t the biggest of fans.  (Sorry Oregon State.)

Having read an article about Aspartame and Multiple Sclerosis, she stopped drinking her Diet Coke. That theory that Aspartame causes MS has since been disproven.

The next time I am in Ohio, I will go to Frisch’s for a Hot Fudge Sundae and a Diet Coke. I’ll leave the maraschino cherry for my mom.

Hot Fudge Cake

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