Monday, March 19, 2012

Gettin Hot in the Hot Tub

I had an amazing St Patty’s Day Weekend.  Everything went really well, until I got into the Hot Tub.  I was hoping for it to be a time machine, but it was not.

I have been told over and over again to not let myself get overheated.  Having lived with many warm Rugby seasons in the hot and humid state of Ohio and only ever having an exacerbation in the winter, I thought I was impervious to heat.  Ha.  No.

My friends and I climbed into a hot tub after a night of celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and 30th birthday shenanigans.  It was pretty stinking hot.  I started to feel sick and dizzy about 20 after I got in.  Honestly thinking I was on the verge of passing out and then drowning, I jumped out of the hot tub.  Ok, I didn’t really jump, but awkwardly stumbled out of the boiling water.  

Knowing I needed to cool down quickly, I hopped into the shower and turned on the cold, cold water.  Letting the freezing water pour over me, I tried to calm down, but I was finding it difficult to breathe.  I don’t know whether it was because I was overheated or because I was freaking out.  Luckily a great friend met me outside of the bathroom after the cold shower and was able to help calm me down.  It was cooler in the basement so I went and sat with him for awhile until I felt better.  

The next day I was pretty weak and tired.  My right leg felt a bit numb, so walking was interesting.  I just had to be certain that my foot was actually touching the ground before preceding with the next step.  I was able to manage getting around, but It really made me tired so I rested for the better part of the day.  It was a good move because I felt much better the following day.  My foot wasn’t numb and I wasn’t as weak.  

Lesson learned:  Hot Tubs may be fun and relaxing, but they have consequences for those with MS.

Ok ok ok....I'll be honest.  It wasn't the Hot Tub that got me overheated.  It was this 30 year old STUD that got me hot and bothered! 

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