Sunday, March 18, 2012

Things I Miss

With MS, there are things I had to give up.  Not completely I hope.  Some day I plan on returning  to the things I miss so dearly. There are some things that I wish I had now that would help me cope.  They were things I had before I was even diagnosed, but truly believe they would provide support or relief.

My Mom:  Well, my dad too, but having my mother around would be especially helpful.  We could commiserate about both being inflicted by MS.  We could still go shopping and have awesome parking thanks to our matching handicap tags!

Stilettos: My balance is too god awful right now to even attempt walking in my red patent leather nine west stilettos.  My legs look awesome in them.  

Dr. McCutie:  Dr. Keller is awesome, but she’s not as cute.  

Rugby:  I just want to play and play well.  I miss tackling.  I miss soring tries.  I really miss scrums. I’ll get there.  

Running:  Yeah, this comes as a shock to me too.  I always hated the act of running just to run and never understood why people did it.  I need something in my hands or at my feet to justify running. Chasing after someone with a rugby ball and then creaming them...that’s awesome.  Running around in circles is not awesome.  It’s weird, but it would be nice.  I just want to be able to run.  I like knowing that I could if Zombies were chasing me for my braaaaaains.  

Reading: The last relapse caused my eyes to go all wonky so I got out of the habit of reading as regularly as I once did.  I no longer wear an eye patch and can see pretty good.  I sometimes wear the eye patch when I’m feeling like a pirate.  Arrrrrrrr.

A Significant Other:  The only time I really miss having someone in my life is when I need a go to person.  Yes, I have some awesome friends, but the bond just between one other person was nice.  I think MS has humbled me a bit and I actually ask for help now.  I’d be less likely to keep it all inside with a Super Woman Attitude.  Also, when I see fellow MS person with a spouse by their side, I feel all warm and squishy inside. These people have support and love when they need it most.  I still don’t see myself having a significant other again any time soon, but maybe this new feeling will make dating and mushiness a priority in my life.  As long as they don’t want to spend every waking minute with me, I might be ok with it.  I like my me time. 

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