Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ADA Compliant

The Interim Dean wants to renovate the office and it needs it.  He asked all of us in the office for input.  When I took a look around the office, I noticed things needed to be considered for someone with a handicap.  The idea of cubicles started my mind to think about inclusiveness as I thought about how hard it would be to navigate a wheelchair in a cubicle if I ever had to be in one again.

The stairs in our office are quite dangerous.  I do go up and down them frequently to fill up my water bottle, and the fact that they lack handrails is a bit scary.  Even though there are only three steps, I’m always afraid I’m going to fall.  I’ve always thought there should be a hand rail.

My need for the new renovations to consider the handicap lead to action.  I met with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Construction Manager to discuss needs and have started the process to get handrails installed.

He pointed out other things that need to be upgraded for inclusiveness:
  • Not all doors are wide enough for a wheelchair
  • The receptionist desk is too tall for someone in a wheelchair
  • The sink in the kitchenette needs to be lowered

It was great to be able to talk to the construction manager to learn about what the proper sizes of things should be.  I’m really looking forward to this process as I am sure there is more that needs to be done.  There is even funding available to ensure our office is suitable for all.  

If you’re living with a disability, be sure to contact your HR representative to make sure your work environment is ADA compliant. It’ll make your life much easier at work!

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