Friday, March 23, 2012

1 Year of Tysabri

I started my Tysabri in March of 2011 and am actually getting my 13th dose as I type this. I’ve really come a long way since last March. Not only have I busted out of rehab, but also a wheelchair. The funniest thing is that the first time I got Tysabri, I wouldn’t move my arm  for fear that the needle would fall out of my arm or that I would end up ripping it out. Now I wave my arm around and am even typing on the computer. This is something I wouldn’t have done this time last year. I was such a needle scaredy cat. Just used to it now!

Hanging out getting my infusion

This is the halfway point. I will be on Tysabri for a total of 24 months. The nurses at Samaritan Ambulatory Services in Corvallis are awesome, but I’ll be glad when I don’t have to do this anymore. Being a pin cushion isn’t exactly fun.

I come in every 4 weeks for my treatment. A nurse asks me all kinds of questions to make sure I’m not having any problems with the Tysabri and to monitor whether or not it is causing me any problems. Then, I get stuck in the arm with a needle. The left arm is usually the best arm, but I’ve been known to have my right arm stuck. For an hour the medicine drips through me and then when it’s done, I have an hour of observation. During the 2 hours, I have my blood pressure checked every 15 minutes. I hate having my arm squeezed.

My IV pump with the Tysabri

It’s a pretty relaxing two hours. Today is actually the first time I have brought my computer with me. I had to since I didn’t want to fall behind on my blog. I have my fans to consider. Mostly I just sit and watch netflix on my phone to help pass the time.

I have to be mindful of the four week time frame. I can’t go beyond a window of two days before and two days after. When planning my trip back to Ohio I have to be sure that it doesn’t coincide with my infusion. If all goes to plan, I should be fine to go back to Ohio at the planned time.

Who knows what my treatment will be after I’m done with Tysabri. There could be totally different medications in a year. I’m not too optimistic that there will be a cure as there has to be so many drug trials, but it’s nice to think that there may be a cure. I can only hope.  

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