Monday, March 5, 2012

Shot down in the prime of my life???

MS tends to get diagnosed at an early age, late 20’s to early 30’s.  I was diagnosed when I was 27.  Mom wasn’t diagnosed until her 40’s, but had symptoms as early as 24.  It strikes people at a time in their life when they should be at full speed.  

I have friends that would argue that I’m 30 and should think about settling down with a family.  I then think, if they know me at all they wouldn’t even contemplate suggesting I find a nice young man with whom I should settle down.  

I’ve got a lot of living to do, which can be hard at times with MS. I get tired easily.  Much easier than my friends.  On weekends, I’m less likely to go out both Friday and Saturday night.  While other people are nursing hangovers, I’m just trying to recuperate period.  Luckily I’ve still never had the after drinking morning torture that many of my friends have experienced.  I’m just usually tired the next day.  I have to plan my “partying” strategically if I want to not expend all of my energy in one go.  

Not only do I get tired, but I don’t exactly have the balance to fight crowds.  Outdoor festivals are so much fun, but I cannot maneuver the crowds as I have in the past.  I used to find myself in mosh pits.  That is not going to happen anymore.  Yes, I’m 30 and probably shouldn’t be in them anyway, but it would be nice to know that I still could.  Dancing period is difficult, so my moves aren’t as crazy as they once were.  I still bop around to music, but I can’t twirl without losing my balance.  While at a nightclub, if I fall on the dance floor, I just pass it off as being crazy drunk.  People buy it even if I drank coke all night.  If I ever get kicked out, I’m going to do it in style and take a few bouncers with me. 

Having spent many years on a rugby pitch, I’d like to think that I could still take out a bouncer or two.  Am I as strong or as quick I was in 2008?  No, but I am working to get there again.  I said I had no plans of quitting rugby after 30 and really don’t have any plans to quit after 40.  I’m still young.  I have many more tackles in me.  

I stay out all night.  I go to clubs and bop around as rhythmically as a white girl can.  I go to outdoor festivals like the Yellow Springs Street Fair and now the Oregon Country Fair.  I plan to scrum again.  I refuse to let my infliction prevent me from having fun.  I don’t want any moments in the “coulda, shoulda, woulda” category.  

How MS affects me is a state of mind....and I have the mind of a 12 year old.  I’ve got YEARS before I slow down.

The Hoot Hoots live at Kelly's Olympian, March 3, 2012

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