Thursday, March 22, 2012

House M.D. and MS

House M.D. is one of my favorite shows.  It’s so funny and the character says things I wish I had the balls to say.  I'm practically a doctor because I watch that and Grey's Anatomy.  When I was getting a spinal tap during my first hospital stay I asked the doctor if they were looking to see if my spinal fluid was cloudy.  If it was cloudy, that would suggest I had Meningitis.  My doctor thought that was very astute of me. When I said it was because I watched House, he just rolled his eyes.

So I’m not really a medical doctor, but I still do enjoy trying to figure out the puzzles with the minimal medical knowledge I have.  When the team brings up MS as a possible diagnosis, I can either agree or disagree with the symptoms presented.  I can also predict what their next tests will be.  

They give the patient a spinal tap.  Since I’ve had one, I know what they  are looking for.  If they can rule out certain things from the sample, I know they will go to the MRI.  That’s what happened with me.  The MRI took a picture of my brain and lesions were all over my giant brain.  It never gets to that point on House.  Some other crazy symptoms appears causing House and his team to look elsewhere.

The Physician adviser for House, Dr. Lisa Sanders, actually spoke at Oregon State University recently.  I couldn’t go, but I wish I had so I could tell her my show idea.  Sexy person with MS gets some crazy disease but people just tell her it’s her MS.  I could play the Sexy MS Patient.  There would need to be a romantic scene with Hugh Laurie. 

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