Friday, March 16, 2012

Local MS Support Group

I attended my first Multiple Sclerosis Support Group, and I was very glad I went.

The group members were very nice and I can say that I enjoyed myself.  Jokes about MS seem to only be truly admired by someone with the disease.  Yes, “normal” people understand that they are humorous, but I the group had a hearty laugh over some of the funny anecdotes about my mother.  

It was great to have a chance to vent to people that understand.  They know what I am going through and are very supportive.  From the second i walked in they were super nice and welcoming.  It was a good mix of people.  I was the youngest and it looked as if there were people in their 50s and 60s.  I think I bonded most with the women that appeared to be in her 40’s.  I’m actually looking forward to going back next month.

I was a bit uneasy though hearing some stories.  Maybe it’s my hubris in thinking “I’m not as bad off as them,” but it’s inevitable.  The part that worried me most was when about three of the participants said they had to quit their jobs because the MS was too much  to handle.  That scared me.  I have no desire to quit my job due to MS.  I know that there were some who are not working and are close to retirement age anyway, but one of the women probably had a good 20 years left in her career.  I just can’t even think about being unemployed because I would feel like it  would be like admitting defeat.  I would be bored to tears if I couldn’t work.  It also keeps my mind and my body active, which help ward off the advancement of the symptoms.  My mother enjoyed working and I don’t see myself exiting the workforce any time soon.

The group is good for me though.  It causes me to think ahead about what could happen in the future.  It’s one thing to get medical questions answered by doctors, but getting life questions answered by those facing the same obstacles is so helpful.  It is a relief to know there is support.  I recommend to anyone with MS that they find a support group.  Your local MS Society Chapter can help you find one close to you. 

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