Friday, March 30, 2012

Backup MS Walk Speaker

Having volunteered to help out with the MS Walk this year, I was charged with helping to find a speaker for the event.

  • Craig Robinson, OSU Basketball Coach, brother to the first lady and has a father with MS....not available.
  • Pat Casey, OSU Baseball Coach and sister has MS....not available.
  • Michael, nice guy with MS and a great story about doing the MS Bike Ride in spite of having MS...waiting to hear back from him.

I updated the committee with my progress and it has been suggested that if Michael can't be the speaker, that I should.  I was a bit floored and honored. 

I have NO idea what the heck I would talk about and would probably just be awkward and tell bad jokes.  Maybe I should prepare something just in case this guy doesn't want to do it. 

If I do this, I'll be sure to write my talk here to share with the world.  It would be super entertaining no doubt.

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