Saturday, March 24, 2012


I get tired easily and it’s not fun.  Sometimes it feels as if I’m an old lady when I don’t want to go out.  Fridays are hard.  I work all week and then push to go out with friends that evening.  By 11pm I am exhausted, but I’m having so much fun with friends, that I don’t want to quit.  I push through.

Here it is Saturday, and I am EXHAUSTED.  I didn’t feel like going to Eugene to watch rugby.  (Also, gas is EXPENSIVE and it’s hard to watch and not play.) It’s a beautiful day and I don’t want to go out and enjoy it.  Lying in bed watching netflix sounds like a MUCH better plan.  There have been invitations to go out tonight, but I turned them down.  

I’m being a lazy bum.

There’s not really anything wrong with that.  Ok, there’s a LOT wrong with that.  Life is out there and I really want to live it, but having a Buffy Netflix-a-thon sounds so much cooler.  I know I need to rest, but I’d rather make better memories. It’s almost as if my weekend has been wasted.

What lessons do I continue to NOT learn?  I have MS, and well, I’m older.  To really enjoy my weekend, I need to space out my activities as to not use up all my spoons.

Spoons?  Christine Miserandino has Lupus and she too has to really think about her activities as to not use up all her energy. The story has been passed around in many circles and as it is one of the greatest ways to explain to the “healthy” how we need to save our energy.

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