Saturday, March 10, 2012


Not many people have had to deal with what I have had to deal with at a very young age.  I've lost both of my parents and have been diagnosed with an annoying disease.  I say annoying because since it's not exactly fatal, that's all it is to me.

I've been told I was depressed.  By friends and even by doctors.  I just thought that is something that I got to decide.  Aren't I the person who says I'm sad and blue?

I've never been to a support group for either grief or for MS.  Not my thing really as I have never really been one to talk about my feelings.  I'm starting too though and am thinking it's not so bad.  I would actually prefer it over medication.  One of the first things a social worker at a hospital discussed with me was a support system.  In Ohio, I had that.  This time last year, I hadn't built a strong one in Oregon.  I think I have it now.  I have very supportive friends and my coworkers are very awesome.  Having discovered an MS support group in town, I will be attending their events to build a stronger circle.  

Sadly MS has taught me to be more open.  I'm still very sheltered, but am more open to the idea of letting people tear down my wall.  I am more apt to expressing my feelings rather than using humor as a coping mechanism.  I still intend on being funny though.  It's who I am.  Why would I deny the world the funny?

It's only day 10 of this Blog-a-Thon, but I am finding it to be very therapeutic.  The blog about my mom was hard, but I needed to write it.  I miss her every day.  Had I not started this process, I don't know if I ever really would have unbottled the emotion.  So thank you blog for being my affordable therapy.  I hope I take advantage of it as the disease continues to be a part of my life

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