Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fundraising for the National MS Society

This will be my fourth year fundraising for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society .  My first MS Walk was in Dayton, Ohio the year I was diagnosed, 2009.  I walked in Dayton the following year and last year was my first Oregon Walk.  I’ll be doing the walk again this year, but I’ll actually be walking unlike last year when I was being pushed in a wheelchair.  
I raised a good deal of cash last year even while in rehab with just my iphone to send out messages.  I was hoping to do better this year, but since I’m back to work and back to having a life, it wasn’t really something I could devote a lot of time to.  I had all these great ideas, but time went by a little faster than I had wanted.

At this point I am the #1 individual fundraiser and my team is #1 for the Corvallis site.  This could change if I don't keep up the work.  There is still over a month left!

You should join or donate.  Yeah you.  The person reading these words right now waiting for whatever it is you are downloading.  (I don’t need to know what you’re downloading.)  You can march on over to my page to join my team and/or make a tax-deductible donation.  It’s so easy.  Every little bit counts and it always feels good to give.  If you walk with us, you’ll be invited to a post-walk par-tay at my house!  All my boys are excited.  (Especially Tommy Jay when he heard there will be food.)

This little Nutria wants you to join us! 

All the cool kids are doing it.  You want to be a cool kid don’t you?  Do it! PEER PRESSURE!!!  

Thanks in advance for your support.  :-D

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