Sunday, March 4, 2012

Famous People with MS

This is the list I could think of off the top of my head:

Teri Garr

Montel Williams
Richard Pryor
Annette Funicello
David Lander, AKA Squiggy
Lena Horne
Fraser Robinson:  Look at cute little Michelle Obama and Craig Robinson (Fraser's kids)
Marianne Gingrich:  She doesn't look happy to be married to that jerk.  She divorced him. Good for her!
Alan and David Osmond:  Not hereditary my ass. 

David Osmond auditioned for Idol, but didn't get far.  His famous family wasn't a big help I guess.  

For another list, you can go here.

Someday we will be adding Jill Wells to that list.  You know it’s inevitable. 

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