Saturday, March 31, 2012

What a fun time with the 2012 MS Blog-a-thon

Blog-a-thons are fun.  A lot of work, but fun.  Ok it’s not THAT much work to ramble on and on, it’s just a lot of work to remember to write an entry.  I am proud that I have an entry for every day in March!  Go me.  
I keep saying I want to write a book about my ordeal, but have been having difficulty organizing my thoughts.   These blog entries weren’t well written by any means, but the information is out there.  It’s possible that I will take what is written here and expand on it if I ever get that book written.  It might be funny.  It might just end up in a bargain bin.  If it’s published and one person reads and it gets something from it, then go me.

It has been an interesting journey.  Sure there were entries that were rushed just to get something out there, but there were others that had actual reflection in them.  I touched some areas that I haven’t even talked about yet.  The entry about my mom was the hardest, but I knew it had to be written since she would be mentioned throughout the blog-a-thon when I touched on various topics.  A lot of the entries were therapeutic and even addresses things outside of MS, like why I don’t date...period.  It’s not really an MS thing, but the topic comes up a lot.  

When looking for things to write about, I researched more information about MS and I became more informed about what it’s doing to me exactly and what is happening on the research front.  Knowledge of the disease grew and activism was heightened. I became more active with the NMSS and attended more events.  I’m not certain I would have gone to the local support group had I not needed material to write about. This was a great growing process for me and it’s possible that it will be a yearly event during MS Awareness Month. 

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