Thursday, March 29, 2012

OHSU MS Luncheon

There are so many resources for people with MS.  The Oregon Health & Science University has a Multiple Sclerosis Center where they do research and provide services for local people battling the disease.  Today I had the opportunity to attend a luncheon in Corvallis where OHSU MS specialist, Dr. Rebecca Spain updated the group on various aspects of the disease.  I got to sit with some of the people I met at the Corvallis Support Group.  

It was very informative!!!

I learned about some historical aspects of the disease that I hadn’t even thought about researching but plan to look up more on the first recorded cases and therapies.  We’ve come a long way and there’s still more to unearth.

Dr. Rebecca Spain talked about some genetic markers of the disease and that was my favorite part.  Being bitter about having been told at 13 when my mom was diagnosed that there was no indications that the disease is hereditary, I wanted to learn more.  Latest research does show linkages between close family members like parents, siblings and children.I had always wondered if there was more studies on neurodegenerative diseases like alzheimer’s, since my Mamaw is inflicted by that, but Dr. Spain said no connections had been discovered.  There has been information linked to other autoimmune diseases in family history though.  It felt good to finally have that question answered.  

She also went over the latest news on current medications and possible research programs we could join.  Most of the programs she talked about didn’t suit me, but the one I am most interested in, Mechanisms of Imbalance and Falls in Multiple Sclerosis, has criteria that I fit.  I plan on calling them to join that study as my balance is something that bothers me most.  I really hope I can do it.

I look forward to learning more about the science of my disease and the research that scientists are currently doing.  It gives me hope and comfort in knowing that there are so many people fighting for a cure. 

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