Monday, March 2, 2015

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week March 2-8, 2015

It's Multiple Sclerosis  Awareness Week!

Actually the whole month is for MS awareness, but we're going to really focus on this week I guess.  March 27th is World MS day, so March is a busy month for those at the National MS Society. .  So be aware that I will share little snippets and facts about MS in general or my life with MS.  Since I never blog anymore, it's nice to have a reason outside of mommy duties.

I will write about a new topic everyday with lots of interesting facts and undoubtedly funny commentary. I will also be whoring myself out for donations to my walk and my bike ride.  That's right.  I am doing TWO fundraising events this year.  Call me an overachiever.  Or an idiot.

If you have any questions about MS, you might want to ask a doctor.  I can only really tell you my experience and send you links I found via my friend google. The National MS Society is also a better resource than I.

So Happy MS Awareness Week.  Or maybe, I'm sorry you have first hand knowledge of the disease because either you or a loved one has it, but we can commiserate together!

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