Wednesday, March 4, 2015


I almost forgot to write a blog post as part of my MS awareness week blog a thin. I forget a lot of things. It's probably my least favorite symptom, along with frequent urination. 

I write notes. I follow routines. I create checklists. All of these help to some extent, but things get dropped. It's not that I don't pay attention detail. I just don't remember the details unless I write them down. 

It can be frustrating. 

Juggling work and motherhood has proven to be challenging. Throw in trying to get my MBA and an internship and I have more than a full plate. I do think that taking classes is helping. I exercise my body, but exercising my brain is helping immensely. 

I have noticed that I'll have really good days. It's almost as if a fog has lifted and I can focus. I use this time to get things checked off my to-do list. Then the fog comes back and I'm back to trying to remember where the heck I put my phone. 

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