Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dear Moms and Dads of a child with MS.

MS is difficult to grasp for those of us who have been diagnosed with the disease.  We get so caught up in the “what ifs” of our future with MS, that we sometimes don’t even know how to tell the people we love how it affects us on a daily basis.

Just continue to love us like you always have.  We won’t break if you hug us.  We’ll actually get stronger.
Sadly I didn’t have the problem of telling my mother about my MS.  I lost her to cancer five years before I was diagnosed.  Even if she was around, she would know exactly what I was going through since she herself was inflicted with MS.

I understand it would be difficult for a mother or father new to this phenomenon to try and understand what their baby is going through. Since the moment your child was born you have been trying to protect her from the hazards and harms of the world. It’s hard to deal with something you have no control over.  Now that I am a mother myself, I really understand the need to always keep my baby safe.

Do you know what I have to say to parents?  I’m doing awesome and your child will too.  It will take some time for her to come to terms with this new part of her life, but it’s only a small part.  It does not define her.  I am proof that a person can live a wonderful and full life while living with MS. I fell in love.  I had a child. I am pursing my MBA. I love my life.

There will be bad times.  It's not always going to be easy.  Her symptoms will make a lot of things difficult, but with relapse remitting MS, there will be a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.  Support and love your child with all you have during these relapses.

As long as I don’t ignore my symptoms and take care of myself, I will have less severe relapses. Do what you can to ensure that your son or daughter does the same and he or she will too be able to pursue all that s/he had planned to do before learning about MS.

Me and my Mommy..back when perms were cool.

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