Monday, February 27, 2012

Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Program at Oregon State University

I played rugby for nearly 10 years.  My last relapse really did a number on my physical ability, but I’m not ready to give the sport up yet. However, I haven’t had the nerve to attend practices.  I don’t know whether or not I am embarrassed of my current physical state or just afraid to play at full force.  I have tried working out on my own, but running is difficult.  For one, I hate it.  Always have and I doubt I’ll ever get that “runners’ high” that so many people talk about.  Secondly, running is a bit difficult right now.  My gait is a bit off, so running with a consistent pattern hasn’t been working out for me.   Having a stable gait and proper form while running prevents injuries.

I’ve been thinking of ways to build my strength and stamina.  I thought about joining Dixon Recreation Center at Oregon State and seeing a personal trainer, but I wondered if I could find someone who was capable of working with someone with MS.  Then I thought about asking my doctor for physical therapy, but didn’t think I could justify my reasons for wanting to go.  Then, without even asking, my needs were met. 

During a meeting with local National MS Society volunteers, I learned about an exercise program for those with MS on Oregon State University’s campus.  They meet twice a week where graduate students in the Movement Studies in Disability program help participants create an exercise program that is catered toward their specific needs and abilities. 

I stopped by on a Wednesday afternoon to learn more about the program and to see it in action.  I was really impressed.  Each participant was paired up with a Physical Therapy or Exercise Science student.  Their exercise program was specifically designed to cater to their personal needs, goals and abilities.  There was a variety of ages and abilities in the program and after witnessing the program, I feel confident that something could be customized for me.  I look forward to my consultation and to starting my exercise program twice a week. 

If you are in the Corvallis area and are interested in knowing more about the program, you can get more information at 

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