Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

MS Bar Crawl 2013

To raise money for the National MS Society, my teammates and I are headed to downtown Corvallis to the great establishments there as well as the Rhapsody in the Vineyard wine walk to ask people for spare change for a good cause!  We're practicing to be panhandlers!

Check back for pictures from the Bar Crawl!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fundraising for the 2013 MS Walk

It's time again for another MS Walk in Corvallis, Oregon.  I'm kind of a big deal now and am a part of the team that organizes the event in Corvallis.  Currently I am trying to find a speaker for the walk.  OSU Baseball coach Pat Casey would be an excellent choice since his sister has MS, but he has a game that day.  Craig Robinson, Basketball coach and First Brother-in-law, would also be a great choice since his father had MS.  He's traveling to recruit that weekend.  OSU President Ray has no link that I know of to the disease, unless you count one of his employees, me.  He is a great speaker and a super nice guy.  I'd like for him to speak.

Not only do I look for speakers, but I am one myself.  At the Corvallis MS Walk VIP Party, I will be addressing the crowd on what I do to motivate my teammates.  Shame.  That's how I motivate them. I also bribe them.

How do I juggle all these responsibilities AND raise cold hard cash for the event?  I have no idea, but I do it. It's just over a month away and I have some funds to raise.  I do NOT want that sniveling brat in Portland to beat me AGAIN this year.