Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 New Year's Resolution: Blog more

My New Year’s Resolution for 2014 is to be more consistent with my blogging even though nobody reads it. I look down at my 8 month pregnant belly and chuckle because this isn’t going to be easy with a little one to look after. The obtainable goal is a blog posting once a month. I want at least 12 posts this time next year. The major goal that I want to hit is 52 blog posts by December 31, 2014, which means a literary gem once a week.

About half way through my pregnancy I started writing a blog on a forum that I frequent. I wish I would have started it from the day the stick showed that plus sign, but I had other things to worry about I guess. I was fairly consistent after week 17 and am glad I have some record of what my pregnancy was like. I’m not dumb enough to think I could write more than once a week in 2014, but I could probably have a few extras in there.

What am I going to write about? Write what you know is the standard guideline for something worth writing. I know nothing about being a mother yet, but I will know the struggles of being a mother with MS. I did my google research and yes, there are blogs out there written by mammas with MS. However, I’m hoping that I’m just different enough that it won’t sound like everything else on the web. I’m also quite funny and I’m sure my experiences with my daughter will be great stories for my friends and family back in Ohio and Indiana to enjoy at my expense. I’m weird. BabyDaddy is even weirder. My baby girl has no chance of being normal and thus the stories will be unbelievable.

Before we could even think about names, we called the fetus Boomer. Hailing from Cincinnati, I’m a HUGE Bengals fan and Baby Boomer just sounded right. When we learned the sex of the baby, our spawn was then named after an amazing Baby Boomer, my mother.

My mother also had MS and was the strongest woman ever to walk, and sometimes stumble, on this great, green earth. She had an amazing attitude dealing with MS and later cancer. I lost this beautiful woman in 2004. I must have wanted another woman like her in my life so badly that I created my own.

I was told that having children of my own would be very difficult since my lady plumbing was all out of sorts. Whoever is in charge of miracles must have wanted me to have another special lady in my life. To my surprise, and to my loving boyfriend’s surprise, I became a vessel for a new life due on January 28th, 2014.

I AM SO EXCITED! I am also quite terrified. When I relapse, I relapse hard. The likelihood of relapsing after delivery is quite high. I need that valuable bonding time with my baby. I can’t be confined to a bed, unable to move or even hold my child. BabyDaddy is so incredibly supportive and during this whole pregnancy he has done so much for me. I could not have survived these last 8 months without him. I can’t leave him all alone to take care of a baby and me. It just wouldn’t be fair. I have a great medical team to make sure delivery goes smoothly and that I am taken care of so that I can take care of my baby girl. I will pay attention to my body and not let things get too out of control leading to the inability to care for my child. She comes first and BabyDaddy comes second. The cats come in third. They’re not going to like that.

I’m not looking to become some famous internet sensation that everyone wants to follow. I’m just going to write and keep record for my daughter. My mother isn’t around to tell me the stories of when I was a baby. Although I have no plans of leaving little Boomer as early as my mother left me, I could be bat guano crazy by the time she gets knocked up and is in the need of motherly advice.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

MS Bar Crawl 2013

To raise money for the National MS Society, my teammates and I are headed to downtown Corvallis to the great establishments there as well as the Rhapsody in the Vineyard wine walk to ask people for spare change for a good cause!  We're practicing to be panhandlers!

Check back for pictures from the Bar Crawl!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fundraising for the 2013 MS Walk

It's time again for another MS Walk in Corvallis, Oregon.  I'm kind of a big deal now and am a part of the team that organizes the event in Corvallis.  Currently I am trying to find a speaker for the walk.  OSU Baseball coach Pat Casey would be an excellent choice since his sister has MS, but he has a game that day.  Craig Robinson, Basketball coach and First Brother-in-law, would also be a great choice since his father had MS.  He's traveling to recruit that weekend.  OSU President Ray has no link that I know of to the disease, unless you count one of his employees, me.  He is a great speaker and a super nice guy.  I'd like for him to speak.

Not only do I look for speakers, but I am one myself.  At the Corvallis MS Walk VIP Party, I will be addressing the crowd on what I do to motivate my teammates.  Shame.  That's how I motivate them. I also bribe them.

How do I juggle all these responsibilities AND raise cold hard cash for the event?  I have no idea, but I do it. It's just over a month away and I have some funds to raise.  I do NOT want that sniveling brat in Portland to beat me AGAIN this year.